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Präsentationen formatieren

Formatting presentations

It's all about the formatting. Uniformly designed slides are the basis for a professional presentation. Read here what you should bear in mind when creating your next presentation.

PowerPoint presentation kits

Modular presentation kits are a professional tool for creating presentations efficiently. Slide by slide, high-quality presentations are created on the basis of existing materials. All you need is good content and a tool for managing your PowerPoint assets.
Slide Title

PowerPoint Title slide

A lot of thought always goes into a presentation. However, the PowerPoint title slide is often neglected because it is regarded as a purely formal slide. Yet there is so much potential in the first PowerPoint slide. We give you tips for the perfect introduction.
Zeitfresser in PowerPoint

The 4 biggest time munchers in PowerPoint

PowerPoint is loved and hated at the same time. It's the most common presentation tool in the business world. But working with it can be time-consuming and nerve-wracking. We'll introduce you to the 4 biggest PowerPoint time-wasters and show you how to work around them.

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