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Get to the heart of your messages

Helping you create your presentation

From company presentations to sales kits

If you want to generate impact through presentations, you need a good storyline, and an ability to transform complex concepts into easily understood core messages.

Strategy Compass is an expert in this field. We help you create, structure, and design presentations in a way that delivers optimum results.

Company presentation

Company presentations

Modular sales kit - Member of the sales team

Sales kits

Businesswoman delivering a presentation

Decision-maker presentations

Corporate presentation

Your company presentation

All you need for a perfect show

The queen of all presentations, your company presentation conveys everything you stand for: your culture, your expertise, your positioning, and what sets you apart from your competitors. It can be helpful to seek an external perspective for something so crucial. With the right mix of market understanding and distance, we help you get your messages across.

We adopt the following method when creating your company presentation from scratch:

  1. Briefing:
    We analyze your company and your marketing targets from your perspective, and ask you specific questions, to gain a clear picture of your requirements.
  2. Storyline:
    We develop the concept and storyline using headlines and text, and discuss our suggestions with you.
  3. Design
    We prepare a style guide with graphic specifications and examples, and create your company presentation slide by slide.

Sales kits

A modular approach for sales success

In sales, preparing individual pitches is important but laborious. And if you spend too long on them, you inevitably lose “active sales time.” We help your sales team strike a healthy balance with a modular sales kit that enables you to create tailored presentations without wasting excessive time or effort.

We work with you to prepare your sales kit in three steps:

  1. Workshop:
    At a joint consultation, we get to know your objectives and sales processes, and work with you to prepare a concept for creating presentation modules.
  2. Basic presentation:
    We create a basic presentation, as well as examples of more detailed slides for specific topics, sales situations, or target audiences.
  3. Kit management
    Our customers generally use QuickSlide to expand the kit, make slides and elements available to employees, and centrally manage and update presentations.

Further information on QuickSlide

Learn more about use-case sales kits

Sales presentation icon
Decision maker presentation Icon

Decision-maker presentations

Don’t leave important decisions to chance

There are situations at companies when important and sometimes utterly pivotal decisions have to be made. When so much is at stake, perfect preparation is vital. As your sparring partner for creating decision-maker presentations, we help you get a clear picture of your objectives, core messages, and target audience. We work with you to devise the storyline, rehearse the presentation scenario, and train your body language and voice – to ensure you’re perfectly prepared for success.

About our training courses

Get in touch with us

Strategy Compass & empower joined forces in March 2024. To provide you with better service and support, all inquiries will now be handled through the empower website.

Please click the link below to submit your request and select “Strategy Compass / QuickSlide” in the form. Our team will be happy to assist you from there.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

Or feel free to call us:
+49 (0) 221 99 37 85 0