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Integrating your brand into PowerPoint

Corporate design in PowerPoint

Uniform branding for presentations

As a marketing professional you know the value of your brand and intend to apply it consistently. In print, on television and online platforms this usually works well as the coordination of these marketing activities is usually run by you or is handled completely by your agency. It’s a different story with presentations, however. QuickSlide is the ideal solution for professional brand management in PowerPoint.


The challenges

Establishing commitment to your brand

It’s important to have a good PowerPoint master, but it’s usually not enough for implementing your brand consistently across PowerPoint. Employees create their own slides or write over old presentations. Before you know it, different layouts are circulated, mistakes accumulate and your corporate design is watered down. PowerPoint can take on a life of its own if the processes around it aren’t properly regulated.


The solution

Integrated Corporate Design

With QuickSlide, you implement your brand’s look and feel in PowerPoint company-wide. Your corporate design is firmly integrated in the PowerPoint master and across all templates. Our designers work closely with your users to ensure templates are set up for brand-compliant presentation creation. We’d be happy to work with your lead agency on this. Specific requirements like different brand appearances for subsidiaries or a multi-brand architecture can of course all be taken into account.

All graphic and content specifications are stored exactly where users need them – within PowerPoint.

Easily incorporate a new corporate design

If you’re about to relaunch your corporate design, you can rest assured that QuickSlide will implement it smoothly and effectively company wide. QuickSlide make it easy to apply new design guidelines to PowerPoint, migrate existing content into the new corporate design, and roll out all the new specifications right across the company.

The impact

On-brand communications

On-brand comms with PowerPoint

Correct use of masters and templates.

User acceptance

Strong system acceptance

Content and templates developed in consultation with stakeholders.

Your system

Easy-to-manage branding

Handling of multiple corporate designs and brand profiles.

Coporate Design Relaunch Piktogramm

Hassle-free corporate design relaunch

Centralized launch of new profile, and migration of content into the new corporate design.

On-brand communications

On-brand comms with PowerPoint

Correct use of masters and templates.

User acceptance

Strong system acceptance

Content and templates developed in consultation with stakeholders.

Your system

Easy-to-manage branding

Handling of multiple corporate designs and brand profiles.

Coporate Design Relaunch Piktogramm

Hassle-free corporate design relaunch

Centralized launch of new profile, and migration of content into the new corporate design.

Your corporate design in QuickSlide

QuickSlide für Powerpoint
  • Use of the correct master
  • Color selection, fonts and spacing are all preset
  • Pool of individually developed slide templates
  • Provision of images, icons, illustrations directly within PowerPoint via the integration of existing image and media databases
  • Corporate Design Check and Corporate Wording Check
  • Tools for working most effectively with your corporate design

Go to QuickSlide

Get in touch with us

Strategy Compass & empower joined forces in March 2024. To provide you with better service and support, all inquiries will now be handled through the empower website.

Please click the link below to submit your request and select “Strategy Compass / QuickSlide” in the form. Our team will be happy to assist you from there.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

Or feel free to call us: +49 (0) 221 99 37 85 0