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Legal info

Provider name

empower GmbH
Managing Directors: Stephan Kuhnert, Fabian Willebrand

Company headquarters:
Im Mediapark 8
50670 Köln

United Kingdom: +44 7946 504 977
Germany: +49 (0)221 99 37 85 0


Commercial Register: Cologne, HR B 64 808

VAT Identification number: DE 263 85 69 02


a) Limitation of liability

While the content of this website has been compiled with utmost care, the provider cannot guarantee that the information provided will be accurate, complete or up-to-date. This website’s content shall be used at the user’s own risk. Simply using the provider’s website does not create a contractual relationship between the user and Provider.

b) External links

This website contains links to third-party websites (“external links”). The respective operators shall be held liable for these websites. When first creating the external links, the provider checked the external content for legal breaches. No such legal breaches were found at the time. The provider has no control over the current or future layout or content of linked sites. Creating external links does not mean the provider owns the content of such links. It is not feasible for the provider to constantly check the external links without concrete evidence of legal breaches. Once alerted to legal breaches, however, the provider will immediately remove any such external links.

c) Copyrights and ancillary copyrights

The content published on this website is governed by German copyright and ancillary copyright laws. Any usage not permitted under German copyright and ancillary copyright laws shall require the prior written consent of the provider or respective legal owner. This particularly applies to the copying, editing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media or systems. Third-party rights and content shall be marked as such here. Unauthorized copying or circulation of individual content or entire pages is prohibited and punishable by law. Copies and downloads are only permitted for personal, private, non-commercial use. Written consent is required in order to display this website in external frames.