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Board meetings and presentations_

Effective board meetings with pertinent presentations

Effective board meetings with pertinent presentations

Reading time 4 minutes
Good meetings require good preparation. Particularly board meetings, where participants’ time is in short supply, not to mention expensive. Our two examples show how long-established processes can sometimes hinder efficiency and effectiveness, rather than ensuring it.

Example 1:

A large automotive supplier:
Weekly board meetings on Mondays.

A large automotive supplier, with weekly board meetings on Mondays. Procedure: Participating managers must submit presentations on their respective agenda topics by Friday lunchtime and present them personally, unchanged, on Monday. This means board members have around 300 slides to read each weekend, ranging from detailed spreadsheets and solid text to strikingly presented ideas. Some targeted and well-thought-out, some completely unclear. Nearly all are in the corporate design, but with different, totally individual interpretations. When board members are through reading, they have more questions than answers. Hardly surprising that over the years, they have come to dread the thick folder of weekend reading, not least as they have to sit through the whole thing again on Monday.
board meetings and presentations_

Example 2:

A bank.
Procedure: Board submissions are prepared one week before the meeting in Word.

The Word document is always structured the same way, with the problem, suggested solution and decision required. All documents are read before the meeting, where a summary is given in person before the topics are discussed. So far, so good, but here too, a growing problem has emerged. Consistency between submissions has been increasingly overlooked. 20 major business areas with as many different formats, sometimes on three pages, sometimes 30. The heart of the problem is often masked by detail, and solutions are suggested without mentioning alternatives. Extremely varied approaches and thought processes often fail to produce a document that adequately supports decision-making.

All the presenters are certainly doing their best – not just because they’re presenting to the board of directors, but because they want to achieve their goals. However, the documents and the way they’re presented often fail to provide the rapid, well-balanced information that the board needs.

The result: discussions provide no clear outcome and key decisions get postponed.

decisions in meetings

The rocky road to board presentations

When we work with clients on this problem, a closer look usually reveals a multilevel problem:

  • The board is not happy with the quality of the submitted/presented documents.
  • The presenters (usually top and mid-level management) are unsure how to structure their submissions. What does the board expect? What to include, what to leave out?
  • These presenters are also on the receiving end of documents, such as slides supplied by their departments, typically of varying quality.
  • And their staff are also not really sure what their boss, or boss’s boss, or the board itself, really wants.
The production of each document therefore involves a whole bunch of people having to cope with numerous uncertainties and possible interpretations, and this is the nub of the matter.
Board meetings preperation

Prestructured board submission templates provide clarity

The solution lies in clear guidelines and a clearly specified structure. Apart from having a general schema, it’s often worth providing specific templates for frequently recurring topics, for instance:

  • Status reports for regions, major projects, programs
  • Strategies for business units, departments
  • Decisions about new sites, investments
  • Development of sales figures, KPIs
  • Analyses of trends, markets, technologies

Based on a fundamental structure – for instance, pyramidal – the topics, their structure and the kind of information expected in each section are laid down in advance. This requires intensive preliminary thought but it brings noticeable long-term savings in time and effort. The process itself also provides orientation for a whole organization regarding the board’s focus and how it thinks.

How to run a project to produce well-thought-out board presentations

One tried-and-true procedure follows these steps:

  1. Set up an initial moderated workshop with the board or individual board members
  2. Produce of a consensus on wishes and expectations
  3. Review typical submissions to develop a basic schema
  4. Apply particular examples on selected topics, to test the specifications
  5. Create a generic template and a best practice example per topic
  6. Hold a workshop with top-level management and/or frequent presenters for training, discussion and fine-tuning
  7. If adequate, introduce supporting software tools that intelligently manage templates and ensure they are up to date
Workshop Icon

Experience has shown that this process becomes self-sustaining very quickly. Targets and expectations become clear, templates are available, and the reasoning behind it all is understood. Once it’s established in one area or with one topic, then transferring the process to another area or topic is easy. 

We can support you on projects just like this – just get in touch with us for a non-binding chat to discuss your concerns.

Responsible for corporate design

Implementing a new corporate design at Strategy Compass

Implementing a new corporate design at Strategy Compass

What it’s like to be your own client

Reading time 6 minutes
Corporate Communication Strategy Compass

One aspect of our daily business is advising our customers, on the rollout of a new corporate design across all business communications. We help diverse organizations structure this process, with all the different steps and touchpoints involved, and with the sustainable migration of their new brand identity using QuickTools.

But then we had a slightly different client – us! We developed our new corporate design at the end of 2021. We sharpened our company’s positioning and redefined our brand visuals and language. Many of our customers hire external agencies for this, but we implemented the project with our in-house resources and expertise.

Then we faced the same question that many Strategy Compass clients have when they turn to us for help: How can we most efficiently roll out our new corporate design across the whole company and all communication channels?

It was time to follow our own advice, and the steps we usually lay out for our customers.

One person in charge

Sounds a bit trite, but it’s not. The integration of a new corporate design into PowerPoint and Word is perhaps seen as something that’s taken on by everyone as they go along and create each new content asset. This won’t work, though, especially for large organizations or medium-sized businesses like ours. Someone needs to be responsible for the entire process. Precise decisions need to be made, for instance, should system fonts or corporate fonts be used? So, we too designated a central person to keep an eye on all aspects of the new CI and drive us all forward: Marion, our Design Lead in the Marketing team. Our customers also typically choose someone from their marketing or communications divisions to manage this process, with our support. For more on this, see our post Who’s responsible for presentations?
Responsible for corporate design

Corporate design in MS Office

So, we established our new design – and this is when the real work began. The visual language and specifications we’d integrated into our new-look Strategy Compass website now had to be translated to other channels and formats, in particular Microsoft Office.

We needed to ask ourselves fundamental questions, including:

  • How do we transfer our brand assets to Office?
  • How much creative freedom do we allow? Where must we make restrictions?
  • Which documents should we create and for which scenarios, for instance, PowerPoint for in-person versus remote presentations?
  • Should we plan the migration around a fixed date, or should we aim for a seamless transition?

Answering these and other questions helped us form the basis for the next steps.

Entscheidungen beim Corporate Design Relaunch Piktogramm

Collaboration for establishing frameworks and guidelines

Now it was time for action. The first step was to develop our PowerPoint master and Word templates – documents all employees would use as a basis for their work. Besides aiming for our usual high-quality standard, we needed these documents to be user-friendly. And, just like our customers, we needed input and support. As our colleagues would be the ones using the documents, it was crucial that they were happy with and could work with them. A one-size-fits-all approach never works, for instance, sales personnel have different needs to marketing, management require a different framework to the support team. So, we involved representatives from each of our internal user groups in the development process. We needed a collaborative approach to make sure everyone’s needs were met for greatest, long-term efficiency. We recommend this approach to every customer we work with.

The completed master documents are the foundation for our QuickTools. These are stored within our products and ensure that our corporate design is preset for using PowerPoint, Word and Outlook. In addition, the automatic adaption of older versions of slides and presentations to the latest, corporate-design compliant version is possible with a dedicated conversion tool.

Besides our masters and templates, we developed a Strategy Compass brand book. While master assets have our new design embedded within them, this style guide provides a clear outline of the corporate design so that all users have a good feel for the new brand identity in Microsoft Office. It includes practical instructions on how to use the corporate design, typical pitfalls, dos and don’ts, and tips for image selection. This document is also stored in QuickSlide and is accessible to every employee for reference.

Brand Book

Slide and document pool in QuickSlide

Then we really got down to business. Like most companies, we’d accumulated a wealth of documents, slides and presentations over the past few years. The introduction of our new corporate design provided an ideal chance to sort out which of those we really needed, tidy up our files and put all our new elements to the test.

Our key goals were to simplify document creation through an intelligent modular system and offer even better support for users in preliminary conceptual work. We wanted to clarify the document creation process and establish a better basis for results by asking key questions around the purpose, objectives, target groups and scenarios for creating the documents in the first place. And we needed to take action, so we

  • reviewed and clustered all existing documents, slides and presentations.
  • compared the existing material with user requirements.
  • revised or supplemented templates or deleted superfluous ones.
  • drafted a modular system for creating documents and presentations.
  • developed conceptual support for document creation.
Ordnerstruktur in QuickSlide

A rapid rollout with QuickTools

So, the implementation could begin. Despite deciding on a gradual, smooth transition to our new corporate design, for our Microsoft Office assets we wanted this stage to be quick and painless. Our own tools eased the process for us, just as they help all our customers. 

We used QuickSlide to make all our slides and presentations available for colleagues to access and maintain in one central place. The new PowerPoint master is stored in QuickSlide. The new slide templates are in the QuickSlide Slide Pool. Everyone could create documents in the new corporate design immediately. All our older presentations were rapidly transformed into the new corporate design. The Corporate Design Check reliably alerted us to any deviations in style and corrected slides as needed.

We use QuickDoc to provide all our colleagues with an intelligent system that significantly reduces the number of Word templates. It dynamically fills in documents with the correct elements, such as business data, recipient addresses and signatures. Text modules are quickly transformed into high-quality, brand-compliant documents.

QuickMail ensures every employee uses our new logo and correct signature format in Outlook. All it took was just one central change in the system for all updates to be made available to everyone immediately.

Permissions management

We set up a rights management system in QuickTools to clearly define who would have access to which assets and who can make changes to templates, slides and documents. This creates a clearer overview and a streamlined file-creation process for every user, as they can only view or update the items they really need to carry out their work.

Developing a governance framework

This is how we efficiently rolled out the new Strategy Compass corporate design – but our story doesn’t stop there.

We’ve defined several objectives which we’ll review in the coming months. We outlined parameters for measuring our success at certain intervals and to identify areas where we might still need to optimize our setup and processes. For instance, we’ll track which slides are used regularly and which are not, so we can improve these templates as needed.


Over to you

We’ve worked through these steps in the past few weeks where we normally support you, our customers – and it proved to us once again that the whole process we frequently recommend works very well!

What about you? Are you planning a corporate design relaunch for your organization?

If so, and you’d like to find out more about the process, just get in touch with us. We’d be happy to advise and support you.

Notebook with PowerPoint Master

How do you create a good presentation master?

What makes a good PowerPoint master?

Reading time 4 minutes

The world of presentations has come a long way in recent years. Thankfully, we are seeing fewer and fewer slides packed full of gray text boxes incongruous with the company’s branding.

This is because companies are placing more importance on templates. And they are also becoming more aware of the fact that PowerPoint can shape and define a company’s image.

PowerPoint Master, Entwurfsvorlage, Template

How do you create a good PowerPoint master?

The following criteria are crucial:

Content requirements: How do you create a master that meets the special requirements for information and communication?

Brand look & feel: How do you get the master to fit the corporate design?

Usability: How do you create a user-friendly PowerPoint master?

Technical quality: Have all the settings been stored cleanly and sensibly?

Content requirements

Be clear about basic use and technical issues:

  • Where do you primarily use presentations? Live presentations, remote presentations, presentations sent by email, printed as a handout?
  • This leads to the question of format: Will there also be other formats in addition to 16:9 (which 16:9?)?
  • In which language is the master to be created?
  • What types of presentations are created? At many companies, presentations as the means of choice for a wide variety of purposes: internal discussion slides, training documents, white papers, reference slides, quotes/offers and, of course, corporate-presentation slides.
    The range of layouts should be geared around these purposes, and provide design options for the most important uses.

Based on these considerations, you may find it a good idea for your company to have multiple masters for different purposes or formats or even in different languages.

PowerPoint Formate

Brand look & feel

Companies will generally have defined a corporate design that will have been developed for print and web advertising. Most will not have made PowerPoint applications a priority when creating the corporate design, yet the core elements of their image are also reflected in presentations. The specifications do, however, need to be adapted to the PowerPoint requirements. Sometimes compromises need to be made in order to achieve a practical solution for users.

If the company has special fonts of its own, it is worth weighing up the pros and cons of using these compared to the system’s existing fonts. The corporate design’s color scheme can usually be accurately reproduced in PowerPoint—as long as you bear a few technical particularities in mind. Special shapes featured in the corporate design, or the manner in which images and text are displayed, can usually also be recreated appropriately in the PowerPoint master.

Corporate Design in PowerPoint


As PowerPoint is used by many staff within a company, a PowerPoint master needs to be accepted by the majority of its users.

In general, it is possible to design content to a similar degree of accuracy and creativity in PowerPoint as can be achieved with a graphic-design program. When creating the master, however, it is important to remember that most PowerPoint users have no knowledge of graphic design, so it is advisable to make handling as simple as possible. If a master offers too many different layouts that are difficult to distinguish in the overview, some users will probably always end up using the same layout and duplicating slides.

Technical quality

Creating clean, consistent presentations requires aligning placeholders and other elements precisely in the layouts. PowerPoint also offers some settings that make it easier to work with the master: text layers, footers, pre-set shapes and tables should be defined esthetically and in a manner that fits the corporate design. It is particularly advisable to think about the settings beforehand if many users are going to be working with the master or if there are going to be multiple masters.

Ideally, the various user groups at the company will be involved in the development process. Strategy Compass recommends this approach, as all its past experiences with it have been positive.

Expanding the master


The PowerPoint master is initially just a design framework; the master itself has no content. Many staff members find this too abstract and undefined, which is why the following options are available:

Slide templates / Sample slides / Chart pool / Slide deck

There are many concepts when it comes to sample slides populated with general content. These templates can be adopted just as they are by the users, or may need only minor adjustments to content. In addition to pure text slides, these sorts of slide templates typically also include process slides, timelines, quotes, pros & cons slides, agendas, and management summaries, though business-administration or IT topics are often also created as templates. Good slide templates are tailored to the company’s corporate design, and are able to convey this just as effectively as a brochure or similar would.

Corporate-design overview in the PowerPoint style guide

To give users further design guidance, it is worth creating a PowerPoint style guide. This provides implementation ideas, and acts as a visual representation of the design the company seeks to achieve. Practical usage tips can also be added to the style guide.

The pro tools

Tools like QuickSlide integrate masters, sample slides, and style guides directly into PowerPoint, enhanced with the company’s own graphics, images, and icons. Many small assistants within the program make it easy to create slides consistent with corporate design, or to correct those deviating from it. Because a PowerPoint master alone won’t achieve professional presentations.

For more info, click here.

Creating Charts QuickSlide Strategy Compass

New functions for creating charts with QuickSlide

New functions for creating charts with QuickSlide

Reading time 2 minutes

Interview with Achim Sztuka, co-founder and CEO of Strategy Compass

Achim Sztuka CEO Strategy Compass

Hi Achim, is there anything new to report on QuickSlide?

Achim: Yes, we spent several weeks working at full speed on a new release. And the result speaks for itself. We now offer our customers even more ways to save time and money when using PowerPoint professionally.


What is so special about the new QuickSlide?

Achim: We concentrated intensively on data visualization. Creating professional reports has long been a focus of ours. Until now, many of our customers were using other add-ins to efficiently generate the necessary visuals. They’d repeatedly ask us to expand QuickSlide into this area so they could reduce their number of add-ins. And that’s exactly what we’ve now done.


How has QuickSlide changed?

Achim: We’ve expanded and improved the functions for editing SmartCharts – growth rates, deltas, axis breaks etc. – and waterfall charts. The user experience is now in general much smoother, plus, we’ve further developed the performance of the Data Connector. It connects Excel with PowerPoint so that data-driven reports can be fully automated, even with large volumes of data.

What about connecting other systems?

Achim: We’ve worked on this too. The QuickSlide Media Connector links media databases directly to PowerPoint. We’ve now used it to connect various other DAM systems, and of course also expanded the available options. 


More functions and greater efficiency – is that a fair summary of the recent innovations?

Achim: Yes, but one other thing is particularly important: Last year, we ran workshops with chart power users at several of our major customers. At these workshops, we openly evaluated where we still had gaps that were preventing power users from doing away with other add-ins, like think-cell®. The new release has let us close these gaps. For many customers, this is a key step in simplifying their IT landscape. 


Will there be additional developments in future?

Achim: We’re constantly developing our products, and of course already have our next goals in the pipeline. For instance, we’re about to launch QuickMail to centrally manage email signatures. We also have quite a few things planned for content management. 


Thank you, Achim, for the chat, and all the best with the new QuickSlide functions.

The new QuickSlide functions at a glance.

Data visualization

The step-by-step approach to data visualization in presentations

The step-by-step approach to data visualization in presentations

Reading time 5 minutes

We live in an age of digital information flow. Credibility and verifiability are important currencies when it comes to conveying information. While facts and figures have gained new significance, they often struggle to get noticed alongside the much better performing visual content.

Data visualization is the art of converting contexts, circumstances, and developments derived from verifiable data into visual objects in such a way that they are, ideally, graspable and comprehensible right from the first glance. Infographics, pie charts, bar graphs, or radar charts are all popular formats.


But how can larger volumes of data also be used to paint an informative picture? In five steps, we’ll explain what you need to remember when creating charts, diagrams, and graphs.

Step 1:

The data assessment

Companies generally have access to a wide range of data. Be selective when choosing the data you want to communicate. Assess the informative value and knowledge gain offered by the data sets. When it comes to graphs, charts and diagrams, the same approach applies as for all other PowerPoint-presentation content: Keep your presentation as short and concise as possible, and avoid overloading it with superfluous information.

Data is relevant if, for example:

  • It shows developments that enable forecasts to be made for the future.
  • It describes pattern deviations that indicate changes in trends.
  • It highlights contexts/correlations previously unheard of.
  • It confirms previously unverifiable assumptions. 

Our tip: If you’re not sure whether certain data is important for your presentation, put it on a backup slide or in the appendix. If a relevant discussion or question comes up during your presentation, you can instantly access it then. This will show you’re well prepared and have thought your presentation through very carefully. And can focus on what’s most important for your audience.

Daten filtern

Step 2:

The message

Data is often multidimensional, which makes it complex and difficult to understand. When it comes to data visualization, it is important to concentrate on the main findings and make clear, simple statements. But this also means you need to leave out anything that’s unnecessary. Excessive detail does not make a chart better. A core statement is not made more concise by having extra aspects added on to it. When handling data, people often fall into the trap of following an almost scientific approach. But most business presentations are not of a scientific nature; they’re about key findings. And the more scaled back these are, the clearer they become.

Our tip: Do you feel like you lose too much information by reducing data to a single message? Then check whether you can address the individual aspects separately. Make the most of visual storytelling, and combine various data representations into a well-structured narrative.

Daten untersuchen

Step 3:

The target audience

Carefully consider the target audience of your presentation, and think about how familiar they are with handling data. While data is seen as proof of certain statements, it often also raises new questions. Always state the data source, and be prepared for questions about the collection method, time frame, and contexts/correlations.

Try not to overwhelm your target audience. Remember, even though you’ve been working with the tables and charts for a long time, this is the first time your audience will be seeing them.

Our tip: Remember the 15-second rule for presenting data. Anything that doesn’t trigger a “lightbulb moment” among your target audience within this time frame is definitely too complex. Test it on your coworkers and scale back your information if necessary.


Step 4:


When visualizing your data, only apply principles that will help your audience navigate and grasp the message. Making a table colorful because it looks nicer is not constructive; it might even end up being confusing. The human brain takes in lots of information subconsciously and sorts it. And there are certain perception principles you can utilize. Give your audience whatever they need to understand and easily grasp what you are showing, such as:

  • A clear verbal introduction
  • A clear heading conveying the slide’s core statement
  • Colors of emotional significance (red=danger, yellow=neutral, green=desirable, corporate colors and competitor colors)
  • Logical reading order (left to right and clockwise, e.g. based on importance and percentage in a pie chart)
  • Labelling and accompanying texts reduced to the absolutely necessary, avoid repetition
  • Learned symbols, e.g. symbols for female and male or flags
  • Important information highlighted—using size, color, or distinguishing elements
Strategy Compass_Favicon_white

Step 5:


Only once you are familiar with your data and have identified the main statement can you determine the type of data suitable. It’s not just the visual attractiveness of a display format that is crucial; its function is too. Situations can be shown differently to processes. Contexts/correlations require a different format to percentages. A list of the most common display formats and their areas of use is available here.

When visualizing your data, be sure to take into account your company’s corporate design. PowerPoint masters are unfortunately often patchy when it comes to data visualization. This is a shame, because uniformly designed tables and charts convey a sense of professionalism, and underline the credibility of the information. Data visualizations are a key part of branding.

Contact us if you want to know how to professionally create data in your corporate design in PowerPoint.

More info:

Also remember our 5 criteria for successful PowerPoint presentations, and follow the OSCAR principle, which can also be applied to data visualization.


Presentations and productivity

Room for improvement

Further increasing productivity with QuickSlide

Reading time 3 minutes

Leveraging efficiency potential for the long term

Companies can save 40% of their time and resources when creating and editing presentations simply by using QuickSlide. And this figure can be further increased, because additional potential for efficiency can be generated by consolidating and regularly verifying QuickSlide use.

Improving means becoming more efficient

If you’ve been using QuickSlide for a while, it’s now time for the first review, which involves asking yourself the following questions:

  • Is QuickSlide used across the board?
  • How do users go about handling the master?
  • Is the slide pool adequate or are relevant slides missing?
  • Which applications constantly reveal discrepancies during the Corporate-Design Check?

The answers to these questions will shed important light on how QuickSlide can be adapted even better to the company’s needs. Often it is just small changes that end up having a big impact and making QuickSlide even more efficient to use. In general, whatever is done to improve presentation quality will also have an effect on productivity. Because less adjustment and coordination is needed, and correction cycles no longer apply. Considerably fewer resources overall are thus tied up in PowerPoint.

A helper and partner for more productivity

We don’t just help companies successfully implement QuickSlide; we provide assistance well beyond this stage too. We consider ourselves a partner for sustainably boosting efficiency and quality at companies. This is why we constantly further develop our products, and how they’re used by organizations. After all, it’s in both our interests and those of our customers that our software solutions offer impressive benefits on a daily basis and actually deliver the added value anticipated.


Framework for QuickSlide usage

For an increasing number of companies, we’re setting up a standard governance process. Initially, this involves formulating the key project objectives. Once these are clear, success criteria and indicators can be defined. This process generates a high degree of acceptance and satisfaction, both among users and decision-makers.

Sample criteria and how to assess them

We worked with a major consultancy firm to develop the following criteria and indicators. We wanted to assess the impact QuickSlide had on one of the company’s main objectives: Ensuring a consistent corporate design across all presentations.

Criteria table

The example shows how specifically QuickSlide use can be assessed in terms of the pre-defined objectives. Objectives such as extent of use and quality of presentation content can similarly be verified. This gives companies the confidence of knowing they are doing the right thing, but also highlights the areas where action is still needed.

Reviewing, playing it safe, taking action

Half-yearly reviews are conducted with decision-makers from various divisions to assess the extent to which the defined objectives were achieved. In most cases, it soon becomes clear that QuickSlide makes the work easier overall and brings about noticeable improvements. But what about the very specific indicators? If, for instance, it has been found that the current master is not yet being used optimally, particularly in one division, swift action can be taken to address this. One example here might include webinars and user training aimed at the specific requirements of certain departments. The way in which slides from the slide pool are used highlights the areas where expansion or revision is required.

We’ve had very positive experiences with this approach and are seeing that companies who follow suit are able to maximize the efficiency potential offered by QuickSlide even more effectively and, most importantly, for the long term.

QuickSlide for PowerPoint

Let us work with you to devise a governance process, customized to your needs and objectives, and using specific criteria and indicators.

Office space with table and chairs

External agencies and PowerPoint: How’s it going?

External agencies and PowerPoint: how's it going?

Reading time 2 minutes

Let’s face it, communication, marketing or advertising agencies don’t exactly get excited about PowerPoint masters or slide templates. The focus, after all, is on completely different, more thrilling issues such as communication concepts, brand, cross-channel marketing, websites and campaigns. Maybe the agency your company works with just sees PowerPoint presentations as a sideline act. Perhaps slides are only really looked at whenever your corporate design is being developed or relaunched, and a master template and some standard slides are created. Maybe PowerPoint is seen as dull or tedious. Organizing how presentations are handled between organizations and agencies is often an operational matter involving diverse factors, and many individual users. 

Get a brief overview of your current situation by rating the following aspects for labor division and quality: 

Checklist Agentur

How much time and effort do you spend on briefing rounds, processes and organization as everyday collaboration with your agency? 

How much expertise does your agency have when it comes to PowerPoint software? How do you cope with practical problems such as external colleagues with no or very little graphic design knowledge or the specific requirements for internal and external presentations? What are your technical and organizational processes for creating and giving presentations? 

Define your expectations of the agency you work with. Get them to explain and prove their expertise. Check that your expectations are feasible and realistic. 

Work with your agency to establish a sensible and feasible degree of outsourcing. Define time-savers, interfaces, tasks and everyday processes. Identify the time and expense left over. Identify the agency costs and offset them against your own expenses. 

We’re keen to know what you discover during this exercise. We’d love to show you new ways of getting more out of it and saving on costs. Get in touch. 


How many Microsoft Office add-ins does a company need?

How many Microsoft Office add-ins does a company need?

Reading time 2 minutes

... and how can you save on licensing costs?

The Microsoft add-ins landscape can vary greatly between companies. While there are always areas where certain programs are essential for highly specialized usage requirements, there’s still some overlap between applications. And this means potential for saving.

Lots doesn’t always mean more

PowerPoint Add-in

When we talk with companies, we often find they use different tools for the same applications. In many cases, the reason is historical – the company has always done it this way. Specialized add-ins, for chart editing, for example, are then added to a broad-based add-in like QuickSlide for PowerPoint. It’s worth taking a closer look at specialized programs, as they’re generally very cost intensive.

Easily replacing add-ins

Some of the specialized and cost-intensive add-ins were often purchased earlier on, and their added value needs to be regularly reviewed. Because add-ins with a broad range of functions, such as the QuickSlide PowerPoint add-in, are constantly being developed further, they increasingly cover the needs of specialized applications. QuickSlide, for example, has expanded and optimized its functions for creating and editing charts in such a way that it can now easily replace specific chart-editing programs like think-cell®.

Saving on licensing costs

Additional add-ins can either be replaced either completely, or at least for users who don’t need in-depth access to functions. Which is generally most users. Specialized programs are aimed at heavy users from specific divisions. “Normal” Microsoft Office users are not their focus; they can find everything they need in the basic add-in they work with daily. This means duplicate licenses can be spared, which significantly reduces costs.

A practical example: 90% superfluous.

Experience from projects revolving around replacing conventional, costly chart-editing program, think-cell®, has shown us that 10% of all think-cell® licenses have been left unused for long periods of time, and a further 80% of licenses could be converted to QuickSlide without any loss of performance or convenience. Only 10% of users from specialized divisions and user groups can’t do away with using the program. Learn more.

90Prozent Kosten sparen

Our consulting service for replacing add-ins

Think your company could save on licensing costs by replacing certain add-ins? If so, get in touch with us. We’ll help you identify the replaceable licenses and systematically leverage your savings potential. Contact us.

think-cell® is a registered trademark of think-cell Software GmbH
Training in the company

Presentation management for training divisions

Organizing training materials in PowerPoint

Presentation management for training divisions

Reading time 5 minutes
Training in the company

Seminars, training courses, staff development programs and company academies are important factors that contribute to the success of companies – at various levels simultaneously. Internally through staff qualification, recruitment and motivation. Externally through customer loyalty and improved sales. Many divisions and departments are involved. From sales and HR to IT, sometimes even a company academy with freelance or permanently employed trainers. The topics are as varied as the participants. And the contents are as varied as the topics. Often involving thousands of slides for ump-teen modules, training topics and courses. Perhaps encompassing both eLearning and classroom sessions. For sure with a whole bunch of overlaps, where identical slides are used in different modules. And depending on the size of the company, with everything in two or more languages.

Ensuring consistent, permanently updated content is an organizational challenge. Or even just knowing that a slide already exists, and doesn’t have to be newly created by each person involved. And the situation gets really critical as soon as changes in format, design or company structure are introduced. In times of digitalization, the magic word is automation. With a few small and intelligent adjustments, you can enter this new era at any time.

Three steps to efficient slide management for training divisions

You only need to make adjustments in three key areas to make life so much easier for everyone involved, from organization to application. Benefits include time-saving, increased efficiency, greater security and fewer errors.


The organizational adjustment

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Make someone centrally responsible for everything concerning PowerPoint in your company. They hold all the threads in their hands: feedback from the field, and from liaising with marketing, brand management, IT and any third parties or external service providers involved. This gives one central contact person an overview of everything that’s going well – or not so well. Someone who can channel people’s wishes and needs and initiate rapid and targeted solutions by networking with the departments involved. It also allows better management of internal or external service providers to ensure optimal quality and keep an overview of costs. It simplifies things and eases the burden, steering clear of patchwork, go-it-alone or piecemeal solutions. Don’t worry: once the issue has been properly addressed, the task won’t eat away at your schedule . Generally, division assistants or PAs are a good choice. It should ideally be someone who’s familiar with PowerPoint, who is well networked within the company, and is in close contact with management. Please note: this person is not there to prepare your presentations for you. They’re there to smooth the ground, making your work with presentations easier.


The IT and software tool adjustment

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Step 2.1

Define the requirements for automating your slide management. Preferably at a round table in a moderated workshop. Identify in advance all the training modules, topics, courses and the approximate number of slides currently in use, together with the methods of production, the people involved, their roles and points of interaction. Get yourself a detailed picture of your current processes.

With this overview, you can quickly identify your bottlenecks. This gives you a clear profile for software support. Things to consider include:

  • A data repository for all slides
  • Eliminating the “reinventing the wheel” trap, by eliminating sources of error, such as email distribution, sharing central folders, intranet, wikis, etc.
  • The possibility of maintaining and updating all copies of frequently used slides at one central location, also for slide deletion
  • Security through allocation of responsibilities and access
  • Convenient provision of the complete stock of up-to-date presentations and slides when PowerPoint is opened
  • Easy access and precise search function
  • Keywording, with the possibility of centrally defined categories, as required
  • Simplification of slide production, for instance through automation of any necessary translation processes, links to image databases, including icons and illustrations, etc.

Step 2.2

Hold a meeting to clarify the environment and the software support with your IT department. Prepare a document with your requirements to give IT some rapid orientation. Find out in advance which tools could be useful to you, and the kind of presentation management you’d like to have, so that the meeting has a positive outcome. IT needs to quickly understand your requirements, challenges, goals and benefits, so smooth the path for them in a service-oriented way. From now on it becomes a little project, at the end of which all involved parties will be able to handle PowerPoint, and every kind of presentation, much more easily.


The content preparation and implementation adjustment

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Training divisions, academies and institutes typically have a sheer unmanageable number of slides, modules and presentations. Once you’ve found the software for automating your slide management, first transfer everything you have into the underlying slide pool. Use a well-structured, methodical system, to subsequently exploit its full potential.

Now the newly defined workflow comes into action. Every slide that’s edited, deleted or newly created is correctly linked and keyworded, and integrated into the specified automation process. Gradually achieving your desired degree of perfection.

You can decide to do all of this straight away, or allow a gradual transition. Both possibilities give you advantages from the word go. The decision depends on your available resources and how you view investment and ROI.

In conclusion

A bit of effort, some analysis, a few organizational tweaks and a little project with marketing and IT are all that’s required to send you on your way to a digitalized presentation future. Under the heading “modular training kit,” and with a significant degree of automation, you enable your training division to produce PowerPoint presentations much faster and more easily. And make them clearer and more appealing in the process. Plus, always accurate and up to date. You should plan a three-month project timeline. This will equip your training colleagues with a future-proof system. Time invested in this project though is nothing compared to what they would otherwise have to spend on admin instead of being “out there” delivering training sessions.

Modular training kit

Modular training kits in PowerPoint are part of the “organization” aspect. They are a key focus of the presentation management component of the PowerPoint add-in, QuickSlide. Intelligent integration into the existing IT environment allows presentation activities to be controlled and automated from a central administration, whether in a HR training division, departmental training units, company academies or further education institutes, or even in global group structures. This is a significant element in optimizing input and benefits, thereby enabling staff to concentrate on its core competencies

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